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Racial Equity Training

The third component of the services we offer center around equity conversations and an evaluation of outcome data.  Before simply examining data, it's important to have a racial equity lens.   


Trainings Offered:


  • Phase 1 Training – Dismantling the Strongholds of Racism

Even those who are concerned about racial disparities in all American systems and institutions are challenged in their understanding of how racism remains alive and well, advantaging some while harming others.  The Phase 1 training is designed to develop the capacity of participants to understand racism in its institutional and structural forms.  Moving the focus from individual bigotry and bias, the workshop presents a historical, cultural, structural and institutional analysis of racism.  With a clear understanding of how institutions and systems are producing unjust and inequitable outcomes, participants are better equipped to work for change.  It builds the capacity of participants to identify the root causes of disparity and establish goals and strategies based on that deeper understanding.  This training is certified in 12.0 hours of Continuing Education by NASW-IN. The twelve-hour session will be both lecture and activity driven so participants leave with intellectual and practical information.


  • Phase 2 Training – After the Analysis…Where Do We Go From Here?

This training helps participants and organizations learn to diagnose issues and respond in ways that address power and the history of disempowerment in poor communities and communities of color.  It moves participants from processes that “fix” individuals to processes to “fix” systems and institutions.  Participants learn how to discern the locus of institutional power and how to return power to those who are being served.  The twelve-hour session will be both lecture and activity driven so participants leave with intellectual and practical information. 


  • Phase 3 Training – Implicit Bias & Microaggressions

This training explores how our unconscious brains are firmly in control of our emotional reactions and our decision-making.  This training is designed to help organizational personnel (1) better understand the unconscious brain processes that influence beliefs, thoughts, feelings and reactions and (2) develop strategies for overcoming unconscious biases that run counter to our goals for fair and equitable institutional practice.  The six-hour session will be both lecture and activity driven so participants leave with intellectual and practical information.

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